Thursday 6 March 2014

Elmira Students following suit?

The students in the documentary seem to play a part that has been dictated by the media. What stereotypes do you see in these people? Do you feel that Elmira students also fall into "playing the roles" that media establishes? 

 The stereotypes that you can clearly notice is the young teen romance, jocks, "queen bee", and the "nerd", then the middle people. The young love which is so over done with the whole your gonna meet your soul mate is played so terribly seen in this documentary. Then you have the jock. The stereotypical males that could care about themselves and what my boyfriend calls "meat heads" . They care about sports and nothing else. This is shown through the basketball player Colin. Of course then you must have the "queen bee". She is the ruler of the highschool and is a bitch. You can pretty much quess who this was played by. Then the infamous middle people. They are the people that that have no classification. They are seen as outsiders, and weird.

Elmira is known as your "hick" school. Little do people know is that we are one of the smartest schools and known for our serious drug problems. But if you look closer, closer at the social standings of people, you will see in is somewhat similar yet completely different.
The similarity that I find throughout the documentary is the social standings. The social standings so indeed exist in a high school setting.  Just walk down the hall and you will be able to see them. The people that are constantly covered themselves in all the expensive name brands usually all hang out and know each other well. This group can quite often be the group of the bullies. I know this because I have fallen victim to them once or twice. These people are the partiers and the children who can be nice, if they are willing to come down to your level.  The middle group is where the vast majority of the students are found. Sure they don’t all talk to each other but they have a sensible respect for everyone. These people are the come in all shapes and sizes, quite to downright crazy. Then there the “nerds”, these are the kids that are so quite in class, but once you get to know them are the kindest most caring people. They are so brilliant and everyone has respect for them. Now they aren’t bullied. They become friends with generally the higher social standings.

Now this is where I don’t agree. The biggest thing the movie was wrong about was the stereotypes. They don’t exist. Sure you have your athletes, and your mathletes but they come from all different social standings. And the “jocks” aren’t as terrible as they all seem in movies. In fact I’m proud to say that I date a “jock”.  Yes mathetes are indeed not as nerdy as they are seen. My best friend is the smartest person I know and they only thing she wants to do after a hard long day is party. These silly little stereotypes simple do not happen! You don’t get shoved in the hallways, and obviously you break all the stereotypes.  

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Please be nice. This is the very first time i have ever done anything like this! It took me over two overs to try and figure out this program!